Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 7/4/24

Year: 2024

Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal is an international journal published to convey current developments in the field of nursing, to share research-based knowledge and practices with colleagues, and to contribute to professional publication literacy.

Articles sent to Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal; It should be prepared by using appropriate research methods and designs in the fields of nursing science, fill a gap in the field, have original research-based working conditions, and should not have been published as a full-text paper in a congress or an article in a journal, ccepted for publication or evaluated. Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal is an international journal based on double-blind peer-review principles that publishes original research articles, case reports and review/review articles, letters to the editor, and current issues that set the nursing agenda.

In the Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal, which is the periodical of Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing; Scientific research, review/review articles, case reports and translation articles related to all fields of nursing are included.
The journal is published semi-annually and twice a year (in December and June). Submitted manuscripts can be published after the review of the editorial board and at least two advisors and after the necessary arrangements are made by the authors. The submitted manuscript must not have been published anywhere before and must not have been accepted for publication.
In studies that have been presented in a congress/symposium before, this should be stated as a footnote on the front page. Necessary corrections regarding the spelling rules in the manuscripts can be made by the editor or the consultants. When the manuscripts are sent to the authors for correction in line with the recommendations of the consultants, no new additions or deletions can be made, except for corrections. Manuscripts sent to the journal are not returned whether they are published or not. No fee is paid or charged for articles published in the journal.
The responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. Quotations can be made from the published articles, provided that the source is indicated.
sent to the journal must be registered to the system at

Review Articles: These are the articles that comprehensively scan, review and discuss the latest information about nursing and reflect the experience and views of the author(s).

Research Papers: These are articles that announce researches that have a scientific contribution to nursing, which are made in accordance with scientific method and ethical rules. Sections that should be included in research articles; Turkish/English abstract, introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and references.

Translation Articles: These are the articles that contain abbreviated translations of newly published scientific journals related to nursing and important studies in terms of nursing practice. Translation manuscripts must be submitted with a copy of the original article and a permission letter.

Case Report Articles: These are the articles that bring a new approach to nursing care or that are rarely seen in the literature.

The following points should be noted in the manuscripts submitted for publication;
1. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word software, in Times New Roman font, with 11 font size and 1.5 line spacing.
2. Manuscripts should be easy to understand and Turkish equivalents of foreign words should be used as much as possible. The restrictions used in the texts and the foreign language equivalents of the words that are not commonly used should be written clearly in parentheses when they are first used in the article. Footnotes should not be used in the articles.
3. Manuscripts should be written with a margin of 3 cm from each side of the page and not exceeding 12 pages. All pages should be numbered except the first page of the article.
4. The title of the article should be written in 12 font size, capital letters and bold characters. The title should be written in the shortest way possible to reflect the content.
5. On the front page; The title of the submitted manuscript, the name and surname of the author(s), academic titles, correspondence address of the author responsible for the correspondence, e-mail address, telephone numbers, and if the manuscript was presented in a congress, the place and year information should be included. The front page should be saved separately as an attached file.
6. In reviews/reviews and research articles; 150-200 words that explain the essence of the study and contain the most important results about the article should be included in Turkish "Abstract" and English "Abstract". Summary section; The title, purpose, method, findings and results should be written in accordance with the titles and in 10 font size. Keywords should be written under the Turkish summary, Key Words should be written under the English summary and not less than three key words should be given. Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with Turkish Science Terms (TBT), and English keywords should be given in accordance with “Index Medicus: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)”.
7. In research articles; Introduction, Aim, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion References sections should be included. Section titles should be written in capital letters, 11 points and bold characters. In the method section; The type, population and sample of the study, sampling method, data collection tool, intervention (if any), ethics committee approval and research limitations should be stated.
8. In the acknowledgment section at the end of the article, information and acknowledgments regarding the contribution/help to the people or institutions that support and contribute to the study should be stated.

9. References should be written in parentheses along with the surnames of the author(s) and the publication date. If there are two authors in the reference, both surnames and publication year should be stated, if there are more than two authors, the surname of the first author and the expression of friends and the year of publication should be given together.

Goldbeger and Richardson(1987) on Alzheimer's disease.
In a study on this subject (Kaplan et al. 1983)........ related studies (Uysalveark.1996;Werner at al. 2011)........
If more than one work is cited at the end of the sentence, the references should be given in parentheses in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author and together with the publication date. There should be no commas between the author and the date. If more than one source is to be cited, a semicolon should be placed between the references.

Example; (Kleft and Dobson 1990; Smetih et al. 1980).
Different publications of the same author in the same year should be indicated as (Aydın 1995a) (Aydın 1995b).
References should be given at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author, should be written in 10-point characters, references should not be numbered. Surname(s) and initials of the author(s) should be stated without periods or commas. In the titles of the articles, the initials of the words after the first word should start with a lowercase letter, and in the title of the book, all the words should start with a capital letter. The first three authors should be given in the references. If there are more than three authors, after the third author, “ve ark.” for Turkish reference, “et al.” for English reference. phrase should be used.
The names of the journals in the references should be given as they are in Index Medicus, and abbreviations should not be used for the journals that are not included in the index. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Examples for Writing References Example for the Journal;
Copel H. Theater nursing care study abdominal hysterectomy. Nursing Times 1981;77 (45):1922-1925.
Fitzgeralg JT, Anderson RM, Davis WK. Gender differences in diabetes attitutes and atherence. Diabetes Educ 1995;21(6):523-529.

Example for number addition;
Coccaro EF. Central serotonin and impulsive aggression. Br J Psychiatry 1989; 155 (Suppl. 4): 54-62.

Example for the book
Kocaman G (1994) Pain: Nursing Approaches. 1st Edition, Saray Medikal Publishing, Izmir.
Robert CA, Burke SU (1989) Nursing Research: A Quantitative Approach. Boston, Jones and Barlett Publishers, p. 97.

Example for book chapter
Miles MS (1979) Counseling Strategies High-Risk Parenting: Nursing Assessment and Strategies for the Family at Risk. SH Johnson (Ed), New York, JB Lippincott Company, p. 283-298.

Example for an editorial book is Diener HC, Wilkinson M (Eds) (1988) Drug-Induced Headache. Second Edition, New York, Springer Verlag, p.48.

Example for book translation
Yoggy E (1989) How to Prepare a Scientific Study? Translated by O Aktan, Ankara, Makro Publishing, p.13.

Example for a book authored by an organization
American Psychiatric Assosciation (1980) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Edition, Washington DC, The American Psychiatric Association, p.5-20.

Example for congress papers
Özhan N, Doğan N (1922) Opinions of patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery on smoking. III. National Nursing Congress Book, Sivas, Esnaf Ofset Printing, pp.546-522.

Example for thesis
Türkoğlu J (2010) Nurses' Use of Information Technologies and Affecting Factors. Master Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul.

Example for unpublished material
Gordos G. Natural history of tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Psychopharmacol, (Print issue?).

Example for electronic materials
Braman SS (2005). Update on the ATS Guidelines for COPD: Management of COPD. (accessed June 1, 2008).
Promotion of sexual health recommendations for action (2000) (accessed June 19, 2004).

Submission of Articles
prepared in accordance with the spelling rules must be registered to the system at http://

Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal accepts the principle of compliance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki in all studies that include the "Human" item. In the presence of such studies, the authors must state in the "materials and methods" section of the article that they performed the study in accordance with these principles, and that they obtained "informed consent" from the ethics committees of their institutions and the people who participated in the study.
If the item "Animal" is used in the study, the authors state that they protect animal rights in their studies and get approval from the ethics committees of their institutions in line with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (www.nap. edu/catalog/5140.html) principles in the "materials and methods" section of the article. must specify.
In case reports, “informed consent” should be obtained from the patients and the identity of the patient should be kept confidential.
All authors must have contributed directly to the article, either academically or scientifically.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal must have undergone a similarity scan (iThenticate scan), must not exceed the similarity rate determined by the editorial board, and the copyright transfer form must be uploaded to the system.

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